Monday, December 19, 2016

What Is This Redox Signaling That ASEA Talks About?

ASEA has the only products patented with redox signaling technology, but what is it and what does it do for your body?  We can answer those questions in a way that everyone can understand.

What is Redox Signaling?

Redox signalling has been researched for years and years, and since these molecules have been discovered, there has been over 10,000 peer reviewed papers written supporting their vital functions in every major system in the human body. How do they do this? Redox signaling molecules are produced within every cell of the body and act as a cellular messenger or as a cellular activator.

Messenger molecules are responsible for enabling proper cell communication. When they communicate properly, they ensure optimal performance of the immune system. They are also able to help your body’s immune system by protecting against bacteria, viruses, and infection.

Activator molecules carry messages to your cells to tell them to activate antioxidants stored in your body.  These antioxidants keep oxidative free radicals in check and prevent them from causing other cellular damage.  Antioxidants occur naturally in your body and are also man-made. The only way antioxidants work is if they are activated by redox signaling molecules.

How Does Redox Signaling Help?

In order to maintain optimum health, you need a certain amount of redox signaling molecules.  As people age and as environmental factors occur, your body begins to produce less redox signaling molecules on it’s own. Your health depends on a balance between oxidative stress and antioxidant defenses. The redox molecules are what can create the balance in your body to keep you on your ‘A’ game.

ASEA is the only company who has found a way to store these molecules in supplements and products. These replicate the naturally occurring molecules and help your body to combat the effects of age, toxins and environmental stress.

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